Black & White Photography Zine


A zine is a self published body of work that showcases my photography.

Black and White Photography is a digital collection of my best and favourite black & white photos.

This zine serves three purposes:

It showcases more of the photos from a given location or genre.

It can act as a source of inspiration.

It provides a low cost and direct way for you to support my work especially if the other products in my store are not suitable for your needs.

Each zine focusses upon a particular theme or place. This is not a travel guide nor an in depth analytical piece of a genre. This is designed to be visual only.

This is the digital version and will come as a downloadable PDF document. Typically the documents are up to 150mb in size as they contain high resolution images. This allows you to zoom in and see the images up close. However due to this higher resolution, some older devices might take longer to load the images. For the best viewing experience I suggest viewing on a device with a big screen and if you have a choice between scrolling or swiping to change pages, I suggest scrolling for the best experience.

Finally I want to say a massive thank you for supporting me. Buying this zine is the most direct way you can support my work thus allowing me to make more photos and other products for you.

Thank you for your support!

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